Monday, February 1, 2010

Is this meat?

Yesterday I was having lunch at a north indian restaurant. Scanning through the menu, I did not know what to order as all the food names were all not familiar and my friends and I did not recognize any at all. This then led to us asking the waiter what each column of food in the menu was. He then explained that there were starters and vegetable dishes. I went on to ask if a certain column meant meat dishes. The waiter looked down at me with a frown and did not say anything. A split second later, I realized my error that northern indian cuisine is strictly vegetarian. And I felt so embarrassed and apologized.

However, I wondered if the situation could be avoided. It is true that we need a certain amount of information to navigate through the different cultures and be culturally sensitive especially in a place like Singapore, where we are a multicultural society. But I am sure there are times where there would be laspe of judgement, as in this case, or ignorance. How then are we to know about every different culture in the world? Does this mean that we should be more widely read?


Blogger Brad Blackstone said...

North Indian is not entirely vegetarian, Tiffany. It just seems that you wandered into a vegetarian restaurant.

February 7, 2010 at 6:40 PM

Blogger ♥tiffany said...

Haha. That could be it.

But I was just wondering if exposure is all it takes to be more culturally sensitive. Like I never knew that standing up and giving way to others to sit after dinner was considered rude in western cultures until I read about it in this course. And if I did commit that mistake somewhere does that mean I'll just plead ignorance? I guess there must be some mistakes such as this in life so that we'll be more aware of others.

Does this all make sense?

February 8, 2010 at 11:09 PM


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